
Ok, so I admit it, I'm a hypocrite…

My mother has had a blog on here forever and she's super obsessed with her blog so I have been making fun of her. Well, I figure I gots a lots to say so why shouldn't I have one?

Mad Love!


  1. Welcome to SITS, as well as the wonderful world of blogging.

    Let me know if I can help you out with anything (although I tend to be pretty useless myself most of the time)!

  2. yay!! blogging is totally addictive! I just started in May this year and it has changed my life!!! lol

    have fun :)

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to know there are others out there struggling with a toddler/infant. It's tough some days, huh? B/c it seems like they both spiral out of control on the exact same days/same times. Helpful, huh? Waiting for my groove to come by and visit so I can grab it! ;-)


  4. Welcome to the blogging world! It is quite addictive - hope you love it as much as your sweet Mom!

  5. Get ready. The addiction has begun!

  6. I am a newer blogger too (since September)...and I had no idea how much fun or how addictive it would be. Enjoy!



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