
Merry SITSmas Day!!!!

Today is Merry SITSmas day over at SITS!

This looks like a really fun event. They are giving away prizes all day!

Not only that but it is also going to be comment love galore!!!

I am so excited!

I thought we would use our Santa pictures for my Merry SITSmas post.

This is my oldest (26 months). He has never been afraid of Santa before but on this particular day he wouldn't have anything to do with him! lol

My baby (3 months). Of course he didn't know what was going on. lol But he was real good about letting Santa hold him.

Join us in the fun today and hop over to SITS and link up!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great Merry SITSmas!!!

 Mad Love!

- Whether you love me or hate me, you know who I am.


  1. Merry SITSmas! The picture with your oldest is hilarious! It's going to be a classic! I just realized I also visited your Mom's blog and I thought awww I wanna see her grandkids...Mission Accomplished and I didn't even have to try that hard!

  2. Aw those pics are awesome! Merry SITSmas!!

  3. Merry SITS Christmas! Those pictures made me realize I should be taking my Little Man to do that too!

  4. Merry SITSmas! Hope you have a great one!

  5. Hope you had a very merry SITSmas Summer!

  6. Hey Summer too funny about your oldest not getting anywhere near Santa.
    Where was that Santa? Was that your hubby?

  7. Sorry I am late, but I am making my way through the entire SITSmas list, I want to visit everyone to wish everyone happy holidays! So Merry SITSmas!


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