
Walking Dead Wednesday

We all know I'm a huge fan of zombies. From my post on The Zombie Survival Guide, this post about the undead, and yet another post on zombies, to my adoration of professional zombie killers Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker, it's no secret I usually have walkers on the brain. I've written two chapters of a short story combining my love of hair and zombies. I've even had characters from AMC's The Walking Dead invade my dreams. My zombie obsession doesn't end there. I'm also apart of the amazing group Dixon's Vixens that I introduced y'all to here.

It pretty much goes without saying that, The Walking Dead, both the comics and the AMC series, only feed my addiction. In fact, I'm so in love with this show I even had Josh take me to Dragon*Con this year so we could meet the stars of this amazing series. In honor of Walking Dead Wednesday, I'm going to tell y'all about my experience meeting these amazing people.

Josh and I boarded public transportation via MARTA for our first Con. We were really excited and couldn't stop talking about all we thought we would see. Our goal was to cram in as much Walking Dead stuff as we could because we're both huge fans of the show.

While waiting in line for our badges, we saw QuailMan (yes a blurry pic, but the iPhone can only do so much from across the street!). There was also a Klignon, who apparently drives a muscle car, to which his weapon stays attached. (Again, blurry pic, but we were still across the street.)

Finally getting our badges an stopping to watch the parade, we make our way to the Walk of Fame. Quickly spotting Norman Reedus, we jump in his short line and discuss our plan for seeing everyone. We decide since he pretty much started the row for The Walking Dead actors, we'd just work our way down.

We were about sixth in line when, out of nowhere, Sean Patrick Flanery came in. Josh and had pretty much resigned ourselves to the fact that we would not see him, because he wasn't supposed to be there until Sunday. Flanery's line filled up quick. Before we could even blink, it was practically out the door, so we decided to save him for last.

Then the moment of truth came. We were standing face to face with my all time favorite actor, The Reedus. I just knew my old habit of stuttering would rear it's ugly head. Then Norman smiled and shook Josh's hand. My nerves quickly disappeared as I introduced myself as Summer. I told him I was one of Dixon's Vixens, and he replied "I love the Vixens."

Before the giddiness took over, I mentioned that we had chatted on Twitter. Instantly, he smiled again. "Yeah, I recognize you."

Let me just tell you, I thought I would pass out right there. Not only is the man intelligent, talented and good looking, but he REMEMBERS his fans! Sure, it could be because I'm the only chick he's chatted with who has blue hair, or it could be because I tweet ten thousand times a day, but either way, I felt and still feel special. He didn't even have to acknowledge me like that, but because he did, it shows what a true appreciation he has for his fans.

Before asking him for a picture, I presented him with the present I brought him. It was a little pen made to look like a cigarette and a copy of one of the You Might Be A Redneck If… books from Jeff Foxworthy. I figured, if he's going to play one of us Rednecks, he needs to read the official handbook.

Norman flipped through the book, and laughed at a couple of the jokes. After a few minutes, we wrapped up the chat to ask for a picture with him. I'm not going to lie, later, when looking back at the picture, I squealed like a FanGirl. Here's my moment with The Reedus.

Next, we moved on to Laurie Holden. I am still kicking myself for not getting a picture with her. Laurie is very pretty on tv, but the woman is absolutely flawless in real life. She told me she liked my hair and had all kinds of questions about how long the blue lasts and how I did it. I told her if she made it to Birmingham, I'd do it for her since I'm a cosmetologist. We had a nice little laugh about that. Talking with Laurie was like classic girl talk. I completely enjoyed it! After we finished our conversation with her about my hair, and we walked off, I just kept saying to Josh, "She is absolutely gorgeous!"

Jon Bernthal butted in on my and Laurie's conversation about hair in an entirely adorable way. He's such a sweet guy. Honestly, he's the kind of guy I hung out with in college. We really enjoyed talking with him too. I got a picture with him, too. He was all smiles while we were talking, so I don't know where such a serious face came from.

Next was Glenn. I know his real name is Steven Yeun, but he so embodies my vision of Glenn from the comic. He brought the character to life perfectly. Josh asked him how he felt about Glenn getting a girlfriend. You could tell in his face that he was trying to find something to say that wouldn't give us any spoilers. Next to Rick, Glenn is Josh's favorite character, so I let him have the spotlight this time. (Oh, and each one of them loved Josh's shirt.)

We wandered over to Julie Benz and had a chat with her about being the only girl in the Boondock Saints. She was super sweet and told us she'd love to be involved in whatever BDS does from here on out. I couldn't believe when I read on Twitter that someone told her she acted like she was too good to be there. She was so nice and all smiles to us. She doesn't deserve that kind of insult.

We eventually made it around to Sean Patrick Flanery. After posing for a quick picture with me, we ended up rounding up the rest of the Dixon's Vixens officers who were there at the time (we were missing our amazing President Anna!) so we could get a picture with our Sean. He joined Dixon's Vixens after finding out during Dead Dave and Lee Platt interviewing him on Dead Dave's Radio, that Dave and Lee are Mixens (male Vixens). We were so honored that our new Mixen not only posed for a picture with us, but he also did one of his famous "Flanery Photo Bombs" upon request.

(Leigh-Anne couldn't make it for the Sean pictures, but she came around later… just wait.)

We decided to give blood while there and the guy who took my donation was amazing. His name was Ryan and it turned out, he's a Boondock Saint fan born in 1985 too! He then recited the Saint's prayer for me WITH an Irish accent! Best time I ever had giving blood! Loved that guy!

Josh and I then went to the Q&A panel on Saturday where I got more blurry pictures (hey! My phone was dying!). I even got to ask if they were prepared for the massive following the show has built. I must say, I was honored that Laurie took the reigns and answered it. The kids on the show were there too, and each one was charming and mature.

I was most impressed by Chandler Riggs, who plays Carl. He is a sharp young man. When someone asked how the show will deal with the kids aging, he didn't miss a beat. "My dad's going to start me smoking." The whole crowd and the other actors just erupted in laughter. He is such an impressive kid, and I really hope he has a long and prosperous acting career. The guy totally deserves it!

(Meh, it's blurry, but it's a picture of the panel.)

Next, the Vixen officers literally RAN back to the Walk of Fame so we could all get a picture with the youngest Dixon. We even got one with the famous Reedus Salute.

(For those of you wondering, I'm basically like a younger version of Mary Poppins with better taste in bags. That purse held: 2 shirts, goldfish crackers, m&ms, jaw breakers, 2 bottles of water, 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, makeup, deodorant, ibuprofen, smell proof bags, my planner, a pen, note paper, a charger, sunglasses, and I think that's it. I wasn't kidding when I said my purse could help me survive the apocalypse.)

I'll leave it at that. I could tell more about what we talked about or what we did after all the pictures were done, but (to use a common phrase) a lady never kisses and tells.

Disclaimer: No person, thing, book, show, movie, event, convention or zombie mentioned in this post in any way, shape, or form, asked me to write this or gave me any compensation to write this. I jacked all images from myself or the other Vixens. Please don't sue, I'm broke anyways. I just wanted to share my Dragon*Con with Bloggywood! While I was not offered anything to write this, I will be more than happy to receive any swag you may want to send my way.

- Whether you love me or hate me, you know who I am.

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